Acceptable Use Policy Print

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  1. Prohibited Activities

Customer agrees not to use 1406557 B.C. LTD. ("" or "Host") services for any unlawful or prohibited activities, including but not limited to:

  1. Violating any applicable laws or regulations;
  2. Posting or transmitting any content that is illegal, fraudulent, or harmful;
  3. Distributing or transmitting any malware, viruses, or other harmful software;
  4. Engaging in spamming or phishing activities;
  5. Causing or attempting to cause interruptions to Host's services or other customers' use of the services.
  1. Compliance with Datacenter Rules

Customer agrees to comply with any rules or regulations imposed by the datacenters where Host's services are located. Customer acknowledges and agrees that failure to comply with these rules may result in suspension or termination of services.

  1. Amendment

Host reserves the right to modify this Acceptable Use Policy at any time and without notice. Customer is responsible for regularly reviewing this Acceptable Use Policy for any changes.

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